Thank you for buying our course(s). We try to ensure that our learners have a rewarding experience while they discover, assess, and purchase our course(s), whether it may be a classroom training program.
When you buy or join a training program on EduGrowUP, you agree to our Privacy Policy, Terms of Use, and the following points.
EduGrowUP reserves the right to postpone/cancel an event or change the location of an event because of insufficient enrollments, instructor illness or force measure events (like floods, earthquakes, political instability etc.)
01: If EduGrowUP cancels an event, 100% refund will be paid to the delegate
02: If a cancellation is done by the delegate 15 days prior and before starting the batch, 10% of the total paid fee will be deducted and the remaining amount will be refunded to the delegate
03: If a cancellation is done by the delegate 7 days prior and before starting the batch, 15% of the total paid fee will be deducted and the remaining amount will be refunded to the delegate
04: No refund will be made to the delegate within 24 hours of starting the batch or after starting the batch for the subscribed course
By calling or dropping email to our support team.
Note: All refunds will be processed within 30 days of receiving the refund request.